The Menopause
What is it?
Menopause is when a woman stops having periods. It's not only those who identify as women who will experience menopause. Some transgender men, non-binary people and intersex people or people with variations in sex characteristics may also experience menopause. Menopause is a natural event and transition that women experience, however, the timing and symptoms are different for everyone. Perimenopause is the time from the start of menopausal symptoms until after a woman has experienced her last period. Perimenopause and menopause are a natural part of a woman’s life course and usually occur between the ages 45 and 55 years of age.
Why are we talking about it?
The truth is, we are not talking about it nearly enough. Women, of menopausal age, are the fastest growing demographic in the workplace and so the need to provide greater support is ever increasing and much overdue. Much like mental health, the menopause is one of the last taboos of the modern world and by providing support and a safe place to talk about menopausal symptoms, we create a more inclusive environment. Our workforce is evolving; the working population is getting older, women are working longer and taking on more senior roles. In order to be able to meet their full potential, our attitude towards menopause must evolve too.
14 million working days are lost every year due to time taken off to alleviate menopause symptoms
70% of employees believe there isn’t enough information in their organisation to help those experiencing menopause
100% of women will experience menopause
63% say their menopause symptoms negatively impacted their work
1 in 3 say that they do not feel comfortable talking to their manager about menopause
1 in 4 will consider leaving the workplace because of their menopause symptoms. 1 in 10 actually do.
34 known symptoms of menopause, including hot flushes, difficulty concentrating and brain fog
90% feel that their menopausal symptoms have a negative impact on their work
Menopause by the Numbers………
The statistics shown here represent all industries and not just Financial Services
Video Resources
Watch our SIO Menopause video starring some of our own community sharing their experiences.
Close the Gap hosted a webinar for employers on Menopause and the Workplace in partnership with the Scottish Government.
Dr Louise Newson and Davina McCall recorded this with the aim of helping women receive evidence-based information and treatment.
Managing Menopause in the workplace: 10 key things managers should know.
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen in a parody song about Menopause - women will relate to the struggle!
It's time to not only crack open the conversation on menopause, but disrupt it by shifting how we think and talk about it.
HSBC UK have been recognised as a ‘menopause friendly employer’.
Menopause: The Change is Here - PwC.
Struggling with hot flushes during the night? Stephanie Davies has some quick and easy tips to help you!
Why women feel uncomfortable at the idea of discussing their menopause symptoms in the workplace.
Have you noticed your colleague is not as organised as they once were, more forgetful, less focussed, more emotional and argumentative?