Our Board
Why Join Us?
Scottish Investment Operations represents over 5,000 employees and their Member Firms across Financial Services in Scotland. Operations, as a sub-sector of that wide landscape, is a niche function with individual demands and challenges. We are a people-centric function and the engine of each institution. Our people control global cash and asset movements, settle financial trades, manage books and records, and apply first-line of defence controls, all within an environment of regulatory compliance. Our community is stronger when it comes together to solve common issues in an ever-changing world. We need our Talent to be diverse and our pipeline strong. We need to source the best-in-class operational practices and supporting technology to maintain efficiency and control. Most importantly of all, we need to ensure our people are trained, well-managed, motivated, and safe to give the best of themselves.
These are the ingredients of a strong, resilient, and competitive Operations sector in Scotland, equipped to flex with the growing demands of our clients, our regulators, our competitors and our community.
A Breed Apart
We implement control measures to minimize financial risk and fulfill our clients' expectations.
We are engineers committed to driving change by reducing costs through innovation
People are our most valuable resource! The way we communicate and collaborate is of utmost importance.
Our processes can be heavily outsourced, so we are masters of supervision
We are risk managers
Regulation is primarily implemented and controlled by Operations.
We engage with all members of the organization, including the most challenging colleagues and clients!
We manage books & records and processes with diligence & control
Our Approach
Given our specialized remit, we adopt a focused approach. We will engage only in activities that align with Operations and are considered a priority by industry stakeholders.
We design custom events tailored to every tier of your organization. Some are ideal for the entire workforce, while others are specifically crafted for specialist or leadership positions. Our services extend beyond just catering to senior leaders.
Our agenda is driven by our members consisting of Capital Markets, Asset Managers, Custodians, Fund Administrators and Trustee & Depositary providers. We work in partnership with professional services and fintech organizations, alongside other trade associations and regulators, to enhance the benefits you receive from your membership.
Our membership is also open to some professional services and fintech organisations that share our values and are aligned with our agenda.
Our events are crafted not to sell products or services, but to foster thought leadership.
We provide a direct, personalized service that ensures your priorities are at the forefront of our activities. Our level of contact and communication will be guided by your requirements, not by our own.